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Homeinfo around the worldSong of the Nightingale

Song of the Nightingale


The song of the nightingale is perceived to be melancholic as it stirs a feeling of compassion and gratitude of the long-lost, pawing over the branches of the birch tree their music seems to present the cascading glitter of self-belief and escape from mortification due to the harsh realities faced by the oblivion traveller.

The tragic tale comes from the account of the famous poet Ovid’s metamorphosis as described in the second century BC of the ancient Greek culture. Philomela being nailed by Tereus: her sister’s husband, retaliated with the help of her sister, leaving the king and everlasting grief by making him eat the boiled the corpse of his son. According to the myth, Tereus ran to kill the duo and after having prayed the Good God, the pair was metamorphosed to birds with Philomela changing to Nightingale and her sister Procne to a swallow.

However, the statement forms a basis of discussion as argued by the critics of the possibility of it being vice-versa since Tereus cut the tongue of Philomela, her sister can be viewed to be the subject of the wistfulness as she tends to sing her sad song grieving about her sister’s detrimental status.

Nevertheless, the crux of the story still focusses and tries to develop around its central characters, but the conclusion seems to be glancing at zenith rather than the horizon: to the dead. The readers more or less seem to empathise of the inhumane nature shown by a mother in killing her child and what comes into the picture is the “Itys innocence”.

Mutilation of the human tongue and expression through tapestry signals the importance of education for women as well as the viability of philosophy” the truth can never be concealed”.

The famous phrase” tongues of the flame” seem to be apt for the context: knowledge has no boundaries of speech and language, its communication is ever unceasing, and its articulation needs no eloquence.

Philomela seems to represent the oppressed section of the society: the women. While Tereus represents the sexist nature of society, overpowering the weak, Procne bears a link to carry out the revenge and the death of Itys come out to be the turning plot.

The final transformation of Philomela, Procne and Tereus to a Nightingale, swallow and hoopoe can be viewed to be a eucatastrophe bringing the plot towards its resolution and fixing the broken panes of the glass.


Source by Swapnil Upadhyay


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